My trip to N’awlins!


Sorry for the long absence but I have been extra busy.  I’m back from my quick vacay to N’awlins with my bestie M.  We arrived on Friday and unpacked and headed out to see what the hype was all about.  First stop…..beignets and bloody mary’s, how’s that for a start to the Big Easy.  Beignets – awesome heaven in your mouth and bloody mary’s – awesome heaven in your mouth.  Then we ate the famous Muffuletta. There were 3 of us me, M, and M’s boss, that’s right the boss went with us but let me just say she is a hoot and pretty cool chick.  We just spent the day checking out the city, Bourbon Street, Canal Street, voodoo stores, lots and lots of alcoholic beverages and some awesome food. 

Saturday we took a tour on the bayou with Captain Tom at the Cajun Pride Swamp Tours.  It was an awesome trip if you ever get a chance to go to N’awlins, you need to take advantage of this tour if you like seeing alligators and learning history of the bayous. M was a chicken, she wouldn’t hold the

Sunday the conference started so I was left to fend for myself.  I grabbed my iPad, an adult beverage and put on my bathing suit and headed for the pool.  Aw….heaven right?  Well as soon as I got settled it started to sprinkle so basically I sat in the rain and read my book.  Then I had to pee really, really bad so I go back to the room, my key won’t work.  M is in the conference with the other key and I didn’t particularly want to go to the fancy lobby in my bathing suit to get it fixed.  So I headed back to the pool and waited for lunch time so I could get into the room.  All the time not knowing there was a bathroom around the corner from the pool…..go figure! I’m not always with it……….Naw? Are you kidding…….lol!  Sunday evening included a guided walking Ghost Tour, not scary but gained a lot of history of the town.   Before the ghost tour we ate at the famous Yo Mama’s and a couple of us even ordered their famous peanut butter hamburger, I tasted it and it was pretty darn good actually!

Monday was another day of reading by the pool except this time I made sure my key worked…!

We flew home on Tuesday evening and fun was had by all.  They have the most awesome food I have ever ate.

And just a note, I survived the flight………obviously.   Yeah, I am scared to death of flying and have done it twice this year already,  whoo hoo I’m getting brave.

About sophisticatedredneckmomma

I am a 45 year old widowed mother of 3 grown children, 2 boys and 1 girl. I have worked at the same job for 20 years in my hometown. I'm jack of all trades, master of nothing. I love to cook, read, watch movies, walk, spending time with friends, and traveling.

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