Where to start? I am a 45 year old widowed mother of 3 beautiful and very different children. 

My oldest is a girl and she is 25 years old, she is a college graduate with a Bachelor in Business Admn with a something in accounting (it is a long complicated name).  She works for an accountant and lives with her boyfriend of 3 years and his 6 year old daughter, which they have pretty much all the time.  She has become an instant mother and I have to say is very good at it.  She is very smart, graduated Salutatorian from high school and she is a pretty responsible chick too.  I’m very proud of her and I love her very much.

My middle child is a boy and he is 23 years old, he is a recovering addict who still lives with mom and well doesn’t do much of anything else.  He has caused me quite a bit of heartache in the last few years and is one of the reasons I decided to start this blog.  But he is smart and very good looking (he looks like his momma, ok not really) and very capable of turning his life around and making something of himself.  The pride we are working on but I love him very much.

My youngest child is a boy and he is 19 years old, he is going to college and works full time.  He is very head strong and very smart and works really hard for what he wants.  As he needs to because he is a “Hollister man”.  Yes he likes the expensive stuff.  Ever heard of champagne taste on a beer budget? That would be my baby boy.  I am very proud of him and I love him very much.

I live in rural Kentucky, I guess a lot of people would consider me a redneck and that’s ok.  I would say that I am a sophisticated redneck, how’s that? I work for the local school board and have been with them for 20 years (7 more years until retirement, yeah right!) and I am proud to say after all these years I am a college graduate as of 2010. I have an Associate in Arts degree and I am very proud of it.  I lost my dad 6 years ago and he always wanted his children to have college degrees.  Well it took me awhile and my dad was not here to see it but Dad I finally made it, this is for you.

I was married to my high school sweet heart for 8 years and produced my 2 oldest children.  I than divorced and married the father of my youngest child.  We were also married for 8 years when I lost him to suicide.  He has been gone for 11 years now and I have not remarried but have an on/off, love/hate relationship with my ex-husband.   Geez that is a longgggg story.

My mother is a vibrant 68 year old and misses my dad everyday of her life, she truly lost her soulmate.  I have 2 younger brothers.  My true friend and confidant is 4 years younger than me and is named after my dad but we call him Bub.  Bub is divorced and also has 3 children.  I have a niece and 2 nephews. My baby brother who is my strength and my substitute Dad is Mr. S and just 2 years ago married his high school love after being together 17 years, we will call her Mrs. S.  I have 4 dogs (inside), 1 cat (inside), 2 fish (inside) and 8 cats (outside).  Oh and I do have a sister, not biological but she is my true sister none the less, my Bestie Chelly.

I would say my biggest passion is cooking.   I lovvveee to cook so I plan on posting some of my fave recipes from time to time.  I like embroidery, sewing, crocheting, reading and lots of other things. I can do most anything.  Kind of like a jack of all trades, master of nothing.  I live alone except for children and animals; my bf is a truck driver and literally is not home but about 4-5 times a year for a day or two.  My point is I’m responsible for the upkeep of my two boys, animals, all vehicles, my house and 3 acres.  So I am head cook, nurse, therapist, veterinarian, plumber, decorator, repairman, and landscaper.  The only things I do not tackle is electrical work (I am too scared of getting shocked and killing myself) and vehicle work, I am definitely not a mechanic. So if I need electrical or mechanic work done that is when I call my baby brother and my trusty auto repairman, Jim.

I have several blogs I read and I decided to try one of my own, kind of like therapy and I hope that it makes you laugh and cry with me.  I really do have some funny stories as well as some serious ones.  I’ve always got some kind of drama going on.



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